The Food-Writing Journal

Instead of looking to the outside for the next fad diet, have you ever tried looking within?

This 30-day interactive journal is for the one that feels there’s something more to dieting. Because the truth is, there is more. Dialogue is necessary to find the truth. Writing is a form of dialogue with yourself.

This is your guide for understanding yourself so you may eat well. Food-logs and food-diaries have limits. What can really change how you eat is understanding why you eat. This is Food-Writing. Transform your health by first looking within and discovering who you are. Eating well will then come naturally.

Whether your goal is weight loss, physical health, or mental health, this journal can be the start of a journey within. This journal is its own program but you can bring it alongside any nutrition or health program you are deciding to follow.

If you know someone who has struggled with yo-yo dieting, may I recommend you gift them this journal.

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