A Letter to my 15-year old Self

Dear 15-year old self,
You are about to grow exponentially over the next 10 years. You are going to learn a lot about life. You are going to experience heartbreak, which is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. But you are also going to experience falling in love, which is the most amazing feeling in the world. You will make mistakes, but as long as you learn from them, you will be okay. You need mistakes to grow. You need the bad times to develop.

If you want to get ahead of the game, understand that there is only love and fear. And fear is a call for love. When people are mean to you, it’s a call for love. When you are mean to others, that is your insecurity, desperately calling for love. So, choose to be kind to those who are unkind and give them the love they desperately need to receive. It’s easiest to learn this love from the most perfect human to have ever walked the earth: Jesus Christ. Get to know Jesus; if you choose not to do this right now, that’s okay. When you hit rock bottom, you will beg God to save you – and He will. Which is a beautiful thing because He ALWAYS saves you as soon as you ask.

Each relationship is a lesson. Sometimes a person is only temporarily in your life – learn from the experience, whether it’s good or bad. Give yourself permission to learn. Learn how to be present because then life is so much more enjoyable.

Figure out who you are and BE HER. Creativity is one of your gifts. Self-awareness is also a gift. Utilize these abilities! And PLEASE repeat this every day: “I am enough”. Because that is the truth.

Oh, and pay attention in your English classes. Focus on improving your writing. It may come in handy one day.

Tatiana Keay – Age 25