The Best 5 Books I Read in 2020

There’s no argument that 2020 has been quite the year, filled with transformation, sadness, loss, peace, gratitude, confusion, and mostly, uncertainty. Like most people, I had plans. We had a Europe trip planned and I had career plans. Little did I know that 2020 would halt my robotic work/commute life, and become one of the most transformational years to date. 

I vividly remember laying on my hammock relishing in self-help books during the first few months of quarantine. If I couldn’t go to work, I would at least work on myself. I’ve probably read more books this year than I have previously. I would like to share the ones that were my favorite and positively impacted my life in 2020.

Disclaimers: These are not my favorite books published in 2020 (except for one). This article does not contain any spoilers.

Best Nutrition Book of 2020:

Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

(Published in 2020)

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It wasn’t a fear monger diet book. It contained accurate and straightforward information (which is quite hard to come by in this misinformation age). The author, Dr. B, is a gastroenterologist who transformed his own health with nutrition. 

Increasing fiber will absolutely change your health. The crazy thing is that it’s so simple. We have over-complicated nutrition, and I’m glad this book didn’t add to the confusion.

I listened to this book via Audible.

Best Overall Self-help Book:

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero 

(Published in 2013)

You are a Badass was the first book I read when the stay-at-home order commenced. There was a lot of uncertainty during the initial 2-week lockdown. I found out I wasn’t going back to work and spent half a day freaking out. I decided this was an opportunity to work on myself. I began reading this shiny yellow book.

It was all the self-help books that I’ve ever read all in one. And it was written so elegantly that as an aspiring author, I felt inspired. Some self-help books are a little woo woo. And Jen knows that, so she gave it a humorous twist and made the standard self-help tools digestible for the skeptical type. 

I also read Jen’s You Are a Badass Every Day this year. It contains short excerpts for daily inspiration. It is another easy read with profound, useful information. 

Best Creativity Self-Help Book:

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

(Published in 2015)

If you desire to be an artist/creator (writer, photographer, singer, painter, etc.), you MUST read this book. Big Magic changed my creative life. It changed my relationship with writing. She is realistic in her advice to those of us that want to live a creative life. I gained immense wisdom and felt more inspired with each paragraph read.

Best Classic Self-Help Book:

The Voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz

(Published in 2004)

When I picked up this book, my initial thoughts were, “Yes! Knowledge! I love me some knowledge.” To my surprise, knowledge is the exact thing inhibiting inner peace.

This book is SO good that I ended up reading it twice in one month. I first read it via a traditional paper book; then I listened to it on Audible. You can never go wrong with a simply written book that contains practical wisdom. I immediately began implementing what I learned from this book and peace came naturally. 

Best Relationship Self-help Book:

Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt

(Revised and updated edition 2019) 

This book helped me when I first took on the role of “wife” in 2015. I felt it was time to reread this book coming up on our fifth wedding anniversary. And I am so glad I did!

The best way to describe Getting the Love You Want is therapy in a book. The authors, both psychology geniuses, each experienced their own failed marriages. Together, they analyzed how this even happened. The result of their curiosity is this book.

This book is essential during times of relationship struggle. But even if you are smooth sailing in your relationship, this book will still provide gold nuggets of wisdom when waters get rough. 

Honorable mentions: 

The Next Chapter: 2021

I met my 25 book goal this year (barely, thanks to Taylor Swift‘s TWO surprise albums). Next year, there will be no number goal because it takes away from genuine, joyful reading. I felt pressured to finish dull books, which brought my reading to a halt for a couple of months. 

While I love self-help books and have read 95% of them by now, I want to dip my toes into the fiction world next year. Of course, any nutrition book that comes out in 2021 will be on my list.

If you would like to start reading more books (and I highly encourage you to do), I recommend watching this video: BOOKSTORES: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content

Reading 30 minutes a day will change your life. Of course, implementing a habit requires some awareness and effort. Atomic Habits by James Clear is a great book to start in the new year. 

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